Southwestern REACT โ€‹of San Diego County Inc.

Fiesta Island Time Trials

  • Purpose: To provide safety monitors for a closed circuit bike event.  Cyclists are individually timed for how long it takes to complete 20 or 40km course around Fiesta Island.

  • Duties: Team members are stationed around the island at pre-established locations to observe the cyclists.  The route is monitored for any accidents, mechanical malfunctions, potential hazards on the course and to determine the last riders in order to close the event.  Team members meet for an initial briefing at the entrance to the island and then deploy around the island where they sit in their vehicles to observe.  Minimal walking.

  • Time commitment: 0615 - 1030 (4.25 hrs.)   
  • Click on green button to volunteer via email.    

  • Location:  Fiesta Island in Mission Bay.

  • Equipment Requirements: Event is not HT friendly due to high sand berms on the island. A mobile radio installed in a vehicle works best.
  • Event Website: