Southwestern REACT of San Diego County Inc.
• Purpose: To track 400+ bicycle riders along 3 overlapping courses ranging from 33 to 100 miles in length and to support communication between the rest stops/aid stations and the race coordinator, monitor for accidents, render aid as needed, notify bike support vehicles of the need to transport tired riders or to assist with repairs.
• Duties: Team members are primarily assigned to aid stations so will be at fixed locations. There will be a “shadow” or team member assigned to the race director, co-located with the Start/Finish.
• Time commitment: 0745-1700, but can vary from 2 to 10 hours depending on location and aid station as some close down early while others are open most of the day (those nearest to the end of the course). “Rover units” will shadow cyclists throughout the 100 mile course and will drive up to 120 miles and put in a 10 hour day.
• Click on green button to volunteer via email.
• Location: Start/Finish is in Ruocco Park downtown while the course stretches to Alpine and then southeast to Jamul and Otay Lakes before heading west to the San Diego Bay and then north to Ruocco Park via Harbor Blvd.
• Equipment Requirements: Due to the length and varied terrain of the course, HTs are not recommended. A full power (50W or better) mobile radio is recommended. Operators assigned to various rest stops should be prepared to provide their own shelter (canopy, etc) and seating.
• Event Website: